Monday, January 09, 2006

Freecycling has become a national movement in the last six months I've been a member of my local group. Look up the one for your area at it's a great way to pass along items you don't need. I just gave away two bags of winter clothes and some household items to a friend of a woman who lost everything in a fire. Giving away things and clearing out closets is so much fun, do it!
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Hi Hope,
I looked up, and there's actually a group in my hometown! Wow, surprising. I thought it might only be for more urban settings. I might give it a try sometime, although I usually donate most of my used stuff to a local thrift store. I do volunteer work for a local animal rescue group, and they run their own thrift store to raise funds.
But regarding recycling, I saw this story on Geraldo the other night (No, I DON'T normally watch that idiot [I swear!]; the TV was just on that channel waiting for 'Survivor' to come on)about something called 'Free-gans'. They're a group of people (vegans I guess) that go and scrounge around the stuff that supermarkets and restaurants throw out. According to the Free-gans, these places waste billions of dollars of perfectly good fruits, vegetables and breads every year. They showed the Free-gans rummaging through garbage bags (yuck) and picking out what appeared to be perfectly good fruits and vegetables. Just mountains of it. Then they showed the people in one home, cooking up delicious stews and preparing fruit salads, tossed salads, etc. It all looked really good, and it is upsetting to think that all of this perfectly good food is going to waste, but picking through garbage to get your next meal...I dunno. I guess if you were really hungry and had no money, it would be okay. It IS disturbing to think that there are people going hungry in this world, and good, healthy fruits and vegetables are just being tossed out. There's a French bakery in my hometown that throws away piles of what appear to be perfectly good loaves of bread. Why can't they donate the bread to a homeless shelter, I wonder? I should ask them.
BTW, glad you enjoyed the Ray tape. Wasn't he a scream? I'm still waiting to hear if TLC is issuing ACP on DVD yet.
I looked up, and there's actually a group in my hometown! Wow, surprising. I thought it might only be for more urban settings. I might give it a try sometime, although I usually donate most of my used stuff to a local thrift store. I do volunteer work for a local animal rescue group, and they run their own thrift store to raise funds.
But regarding recycling, I saw this story on Geraldo the other night (No, I DON'T normally watch that idiot [I swear!]; the TV was just on that channel waiting for 'Survivor' to come on)about something called 'Free-gans'. They're a group of people (vegans I guess) that go and scrounge around the stuff that supermarkets and restaurants throw out. According to the Free-gans, these places waste billions of dollars of perfectly good fruits, vegetables and breads every year. They showed the Free-gans rummaging through garbage bags (yuck) and picking out what appeared to be perfectly good fruits and vegetables. Just mountains of it. Then they showed the people in one home, cooking up delicious stews and preparing fruit salads, tossed salads, etc. It all looked really good, and it is upsetting to think that all of this perfectly good food is going to waste, but picking through garbage to get your next meal...I dunno. I guess if you were really hungry and had no money, it would be okay. It IS disturbing to think that there are people going hungry in this world, and good, healthy fruits and vegetables are just being tossed out. There's a French bakery in my hometown that throws away piles of what appear to be perfectly good loaves of bread. Why can't they donate the bread to a homeless shelter, I wonder? I should ask them.
BTW, glad you enjoyed the Ray tape. Wasn't he a scream? I'm still waiting to hear if TLC is issuing ACP on DVD yet.
Glad I found your blog! I lived in Fresno from age 3 to 8; my late father taught there in the school of social work.
We over 40 thank you for the large dark on light font. Excellent content is nothing if I have to strain to read it. :)
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We over 40 thank you for the large dark on light font. Excellent content is nothing if I have to strain to read it. :)
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